苑震生,男,1976年7月出生,中国科学技术大学合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室教授,1998 年6月获中国科大理学学士学位,2003年07月获中国科大理学博士学位。2006年至2011年任德国海德堡大学博士后、洪堡学者、高级研究员及项目共同负责人,2011年至今任中国科大教授。主要从事光与冷原子量子信息处理研究。近年来在Nature (2篇)、Science(1篇),Nature子刊(5篇)、Physical Review Letters (6篇)、Phys. Reports (1篇)、PNAS (1篇)、Physical Review A (10篇)等国际权威学术期刊上发表50余篇研究论文,总引用3000多次(google scholar)。成果先后入选2007和2008年度两院院士评选的中国十大科技进展新闻,入选2008年欧洲物理学会年度重大物理学进展。曾主持基金委重点项目、科技部973计划课题、目前主持科技部重点研发计划课题“超冷原子光晶格中的量子模拟”(2016/06-2021/05)。
- Counterflow superfluidity in a two-component Mott insulator. Nature Physics 21, (2024).
- Microscopic Study on Superexchange Dynamics of Composite Spin-1 Bosons. Physical Review Letters 133, 1-8 (2024).
- Interrelated Thermalization and Quantum Criticality in a Lattice Gauge Simulator. Physical Review Letters 131, 1-10 (2023).
- Observation of many-body scarring in a Bose-Hubbard quantum simulator. Physical Review Research 5, 1-13 (2023).
- Scalable Multipartite Entanglement Created by Spin Exchange in an Optical Lattice. Physical Review Letters 131, 73401 (2023).
- Thermalization dynamics of a gauge theory on a quantum simulator. Science 377, 311-314 (2022).
- A scheme to create and verify scalable entanglement in optical lattice. npj Quantum Information 8, 1-9 (2022).
- Bayesian learning for optimal control of quantum many-body states in optical lattices. Physical Review A 106, 13316 (2022).
- Robust site-resolved addressing via dynamically tracking the phase of optical lattices. Optics Letters 47, 4239 (2022).
- High-powered optical superlattice with robust phase stability for quantum gas microscopy. Optics Express 29, 13876 (2021).