- Quasi-fine-grained uncertainty relations. New Journal of Physics 22, 073063 (2020).
- Entanglement-based secure quantum cryptography over 1,120 kilometres. Nature 582, 501-505 (2020).
- Two-Scale Scenario of Rigidity Percolation of Sticky Particles. Physical Review Letters 124, 255501 (2020).
- Interferometrically estimating a quadratic form for any immanant of a matrix and its permutations. Physical Review A 101, 1-9 (2020).
- Secure quantum key distribution with realistic devices. Reviews of Modern Physics 92, 025002 (2020).
- Long-distance transmission of quantum key distribution coexisting with classical optical communication over weakly-coupled few-modefiber. Optics Express 28, (2020).
- Integrated electronics in 130 nm CMOS process for quantum key distribution sender device. Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 034701 (2020).
- Verifying Random Quantum Circuits with Arbitrary Geometry Using Tensor Network States Algorithm. Physical Review Letters 126, 70502 (2020).
- Entanglement of two quantum memories via fibres over dozens of kilometres. Nature 578, 240-245 (2020).
- Experimental quantum cloning in a pseudo-unitary system. Physical Review A 101, 1-7 (2020).
- History-dependent percolation on multiplex networks. National Science Review 7, 1296 (2020).
- Quantum-Teleportation-Inspired Algorithm for Sampling Large Random Quantum Circuits. Physical Review Letters 124, 080502 (2020).
- Extended Crossover from a Fermi Liquid to a Quasiantiferromagnet in the Half-Filled 2D Hubbard Model. Physical Review Letters 124, 017003 (2020) (2020).
- Quantum Beat between Sunlight and Single Photons. Nano Letters 20, 152 (2020).
- A battery-powered floating current source of 100 A for precise and fast control of magnetic field. AIP Advances 10, 125207 (2020).
- A subradiant optical mirror formed by a single structured atomic layer. Nature 583, 369-374 (2020).
- Depletion imaging of Rydberg atoms in cold atomic gases. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53, (2020).
- Experimental random-party entanglement distillation via weak measurement. Physical Review Research 2, 1-9 (2020).
- Experimentally Verified Approach to Nonentanglement-Breaking Channel Certification. Physical Review Letters 124, 1-6 (2020).
- Fermions Meet Two Bosons—the Heteronuclear Efimov Effect Revisited. Brazilian Journal of Physics (2020).