- Boson Sampling with 20 Input Photons and a 60-Mode Interferometer in a 1014 -Dimensional Hilbert Space. Physical Review Letters 123, 250503 (2019).
- Coherently driving a single quantum two-level system with dichromatic laser pulses. Nature Physics 15, 941-946 (2019).
- Color Erasure Detectors Enable Chromatic Interferometry. Physical Review Letters 123, 243601 (2019).
- Compatibility of causal hidden-variable theories with a delayed-choice experiment. Physical Review A 100, 012114 (2019).
- Control and Readout Software for Superconducting Quantum Computing. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66, 1222-1227 (2019).
- Error-Disturbance Trade-off in Sequential Quantum Measurements. Physical Review Letters 122, 090404 (2019).
- Experimental demonstration of non-bilocality with truly independent sources and strict locality constraints. Nature Photonics 13, 687 (2019).
- Experimental Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution through Sending or Not Sending. Physical Review Letters 123, 100505 (2019).
- Higher amounts of loophole-free Bell violation using a heralded entangled source. New Journal of Physics 21, (2019).
- LED-based fiber quantum key distribution : toward low-cost applications. Photonics Research 7, (2019).
- Measurement of the strontium triplet Rydberg series by depletion spectroscopy of ultracold atoms. Physical Review A 99, 1-7 (2019).
- Observation of Interference between Resonant and Detuned Creation of 23 Na 40 K Molecules. Physical Review Letters 122, 253201 (2019).
- Observing Topological Charges and Dynamical Bulk-Surface Correspondence with Ultracold Atoms. Physical Review Letters 123, 190603 (2019).
- Optically injected intensity-stable pulse source for secure quantum key distribution. Optics Express 27, 12231 (2019).
- Propagation and Localization of Collective Excitations on a 24-Qubit Superconducting Processor. Physical Review Letters 123, 1-6 (2019).
- Quantum Coherence Witness with Untrusted Measurement Devices. Physical Review Letters 123, 90502 (2019).
- Quantum gas microscopy of Rydberg macrodimers. Science 364, 664-667 (2019).
- Quantum Interference between Light Sources Separated by 150 Million Kilometers. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 080401, 1-7 (2019).
- Quantum Teleportation in High Dimensions. Physical Review Letters 123, 070505 (2019).
- Remote Blind State Preparation with Weak Coherent Pulses in the Field. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100503, 1-6 (2019).