- Quantum Interference between Light Sources Separated by 150 Million Kilometers. Physical Review Letters 123, 080401 (2019).
- Experimental Demonstration of High-Rate Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution over Asymmetric Channels. Physical Review Letters 122, 160501 (2019).
- Experimental Gaussian boson sampling. Science Bulletin 562, 548 (2019).
- Measurements of the branching ratios for 6P1/2 decays in Ba + 138. Physical Review A 100, (2019).
- Suppressing Inhomogeneous Broadening in a Lutetium Multi-ion Optical Clock. Physical Review Letters 123, (2019).
- Continuous-variable ramp quantum secret sharing with Gaussian states and operations. New Journal of Physics 21, 113023 (2019).
- Realisation of high-fidelity nonadiabatic CZ gates with superconducting qubits. npj Quantum Information 5, 1-7 (2019).
- The length of self-avoiding walks on the complete graph. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019, 103206 (2019).
- Medium-range percolation in two dimensions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1163, 012001 (2019).
- High-precision Monte Carlo study of several models in the three-dimensional U(1) universality class. Physical Review B 100, 064525 (2019).
- Topological quantum walks: Theory and experiments. Frontiers of Physics 14, 61301 (2019).
- Efficient verification of bosonic quantum channels via benchmarking. New Journal of Physics 21, 073026 (2019).
- Experimental quantum repeater without quantum memory. Nature Photonics (2019) 13, 644 (2019).
- Revisiting the field-driven edge transition of the tricritical two-dimensional Blume-Capel model. Physical Review E 99, 062133 (2019).
- Observation of emergent momentum–time skyrmions in parity–time-symmetric non-unitary quench dynamics. Nature Communications 10, 1-8 (2019).
- Observation of nonscalar and logarithmic correlations in two- and three-dimensional percolation. Physical Review E 99, 050103 (2019).
- Geometric properties of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation of the Ising model. Physical Review E 99, 42150 (2019).
- Spectral singularities of a potential created by two coupled microring resonators. Optics Letters 44, 2024 (2019).
- Clock Monte Carlo methods. Physical Review E 99, 010105 (2019).
- Active Phase Stabilization for the Interferometer With 128 Actively Selectable Paths. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE 66, 1076-1080 (2019).