

姚星灿博士,1983年11月生于重庆。2006年、2012年在中国科学技术大学分别取得学士和博士学位。现任中国科学技术大学特任教授。长期从事量子物理基础实验研究,致力发展光与冷原子量子调控技术,取得了一系列有重要意义的研究成果,包括在国际上首次实现八光子纠缠、拓扑量子纠错、玻色-费米双超流体等。在Nature、Nature Photonics、Nature Physics、Physical Review Letters、Optica等学术刊物上发表多篇论文。研究成果曾两次入选 “中国科技十大进展新闻”,“中国科学十大进展”,曾获得中科院院长特别奖,博士论文入选中科院优秀博士论文(100篇)。


  • Lu, H., Chen, L. -K., Liu, C., Xu, P., Yao, X. -C., Li, L., Liu, N. -L., Zhao, B., Chen, Y. -A. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental realization of a concatenated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state for macroscopic quantum superpositions. Nature Photonics 8, 364-368 (2014).
  • Yao, X. -C., Wang, T. -X., Chen, H. -Z., Gao, W. -B., Fowler, A., Raussendorf, R., Chen, Z. -B., Liu, N. -L., Lu, C. -Y., Deng, Y., Chen, Y. -A. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental demonstration of topological error correction. Nature 482, 489-494 (2012).
  • Yao, X. -C., Wang, T. -X., Xu, P., Lu, H., Pan, G. -S., Bao, X. -H., Peng, C. -Z., Lu, C. -Y., Chen, Y. -A. & Pan, J. -W. Observation of eight-photon entanglement. Nature Photonics 6, 225-228 (2012).
  • Gao, W. -B., Yao, X. -C., Cai, J. -M., Lu, H., Xu, P., Yang, T., Lu, C. -Y., Chen, Y. -A., Chen, Z. -B. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental measurement-based quantum computing beyond the cluster-state model. Nature Photonics 5, 117 (2011).
  • Gao, W. -B., Yao, X. -C., Xu, P., Lu, H., Otfried, uhne, Cabello, A. ´an, Lu, C. -Y., Yang, T., Chen, Z. -B. & Pan, J. -W. Bell inequality tests of four-photon six-qubit graph states. Physical Review A 82, 042334 (2010).
  • Gao, W. -B., Lu, C. -Y., Yao, X. -C., Xu, P., Gühne, O., Goebel, A., Chen, Y. -A., Peng, C. -Z., Chen, Z. -B. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental demonstration of a hyper-entangled ten-qubit Schr odinger cat state. Nature Physics 6, 331 (2010).
  • Gao, W. -B., Xu, P., Yao, X. -C., Gu¨hne, O., Cabello, A. ´n, Lu, C. -Y., Peng, C. -Z., Chen, Z. -B. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental realization of a controlled-NOT gate with four-photon six-qubit cluster states. Physical Review Letters 104, 020501 (2010).
  • Yao, X. -C., Fiura´sˇek, J. ´r, Lu, H., Gao, W. -B., Chen, Y. -A., Chen, Z. -B. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental realization of programmable quantum gate array for directly probing commutation relations of Pauli operators. Physical Review Letters 105, 120402 (2010).