

邓友金教授本科及硕士就读于北京师范大学,2004年于荷兰代尔夫特技术大学获得博士学位,师从H.W.J. Bloete教授。随后分别于美国纽约大学(合作导师A.D. Sokal教授)及德国海德堡大学(合作导师潘建伟教授)从事博士后研究。2009年起加盟中国科学技术大学近代物理系。2010年至2015年任UMass Amherst兼职助理教授,2016年至2019年任兼职教授 (adjunct professor)。


  • Xu, X., Wang, J., Lv, J. -P. & Deng, Y. Simultaneous analysis of three-dimensional percolation models. Frontiers of Physics 9, 113-119 (2014).
  • Wang, J., Zhou, Z., Liu, Q., Garoni, T. & Deng, Y. High-precision Monte Carlo study of directed percolation in (d+1) dimensions. Physical Review E 88, 042102 (2013).
  • Ding, C., Guo, W. & Deng, Y. Ising-like phase transition of an \textlessmath display. Physical Review E 88, 052125 (2013).
  • Wang, J., Zhou, Z., Zhang, W., Garoni, T. & Deng, Y. Bond and site percolation in three dimensions. Physical Review E 87, 052107 (2013).
  • Chen, K., Huang, Y., Deng, Y., Kuklov, A., ev, N. & Svistunov, B. Deconfined Criticality Flow in the Heisenberg Model with Ring-Exchange Interactions. Physical Review Letters 110, 185701 (2013).
  • Zhang, L., Deng, Y. & Zhang, P. Scattering and effective interactions of ultracold atoms with spin-orbit coupling. Physical Review A 87, 053626 (2013).
  • Jin, X. -M., Peng, C. -Z., Deng, Y., Barbieri, M., Nunn, J. & Walmsley, I. Sequential Path Entanglement for Quantum Metrology. Scientific Reports 3, 1779 (2013).
  • Huang, Y., Deng, Y., Jacobsen, J. & Salas, J. \. The Hintermann–Merlini–Baxter–Wu and the infinite-coupling-limit Ashkin–Teller models. Nuclear Physics B 868, 492-538 (2013).
  • Lv, J. -P., Garoni, T. & Deng, Y. Phase transitions in XY antiferromagnets on plane triangulations. Physical Review B 87, 024108 (2013).
  • Zhang, L., Zhang, J. -Y., Ji, S. -C., Du, Z. -D., Zhai, H., Deng, Y., Chen, S., Zhang, P. & Pan, J. -W. Stability of excited dressed states with spin-orbit coupling. Physical Review A 87, 011601 (2013).