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- Universal Dynamical Scaling of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Vortices in a Strongly Interacting Fermionic Superfluid. Physical Review Letters 126, 185302 (2021).
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- Entanglement-free witnessing of quantum incompatibility in a high-dimensional system. Physical Review Research 3, 023017 (2021).
- Experimental simulation of time and frequency transfer via an optical satellite–ground link at 10 -18 instability. Optica 8, 471 (2021).
- Heralded Nondestructive Quantum Entangling Gate with Single-Photon Sources. Physical Review Letters 126, 140501 (2021).
- High-powered optical superlattice with robust phase stability for quantum gas microscopy. Optics Express 29, 13876 (2021).
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