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- Micro-pulse upconversion Doppler lidar for wind and visibility detection in the atmospheric boundary layer. Optics Letters 41, 5218-5221 (2016).
- Quantum teleportation with independent sources and prior entanglement distribution over a network. Nature Photonics 10, 671-675 (2016).
- Operating Spin Echo in the Quantum Regime for an Atomic-Ensemble Quantum Memory. Physical Review Letters 115, 133002 (2015).
- Universal critical wrapping probabilities in the canonical ensemble. Nuclear Physics B 898, 157-172 (2015).
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- Localized state in a two-dimensional quantum walk on a disordered lattice. Physical Review A 92, 042316 (2015).
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- Massive Goldstone (Higgs) mode in two-dimensional ultracold atomic lattice systems. Physical Review B 92, 174521 (2015).
- Advances in InGaAs/InP single-photon detector systems for quantum communication. Light: Science \& Applications 4, e286 (2015).
- Experimental Passive Round-Robin Differential Phase-Shift Quantum Key Distribution. Physical Review Letters 114, 180502 (2015).
- Field Test of Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 21, 116-122 (2015).
- High-Fidelity Single-Shot Toffoli Gate via Quantum Control. Physical Review Letters 114, 200502 (2015).
- Highly Retrievable Spin-Wave–Photon Entanglement Source. Physical Review Letters 114, 210501 (2015).
- Modulation of single-photon-level wave packets with two-component electromagnetically induced transparency. Physical Review A 91, 053805 (2015).
- Realization of Single-Qubit Positive-Operator-Valued Measurement via a One-Dimensional Photonic Quantum Walk. Physical Review Letters 114, 203602 (2015).
- Universality of weakly bound dimers and Efimov trimers close to Li–Cs Feshbach resonances. New Journal of Physics 17, 055009 (2015).
- Dynamically Controlled Resonance Fluorescence Spectra from a Doubly Dressed Single InGaAs Quantum Dot. Physical Review Letters 114, 097402 (2015).
- Entanglement-Based Machine Learning on a Quantum Computer. Physical Review Letters 114, 110504 (2015).
- Long-Distance Measurement-Device-Independent Multiparty Quantum Communication. Physical Review Letters 114, 090501 (2015).