Professor Chao-Yang Lu was born in 1982 in Zhejiang, China. He obtained Bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2004, and PhD in Physics from the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge in 2011.
He is currently a Professor of Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China, where he focuses on research on quantum foundations, quantum computation, solid-state quantum photonics, multi-particle entanglement, quantum teleportation, atomic arrays, superconducting qubits etc.
He has published more than 90 articles in Reviews of Modern Physics, Science, Nature, Nature research journals, PNAS and PRL, which attracted more than 10,000 citations. His work on quantum teleportation was selected as by Physics World as “Breakthrough of the Year 2015”. His work on single-photon source and optical quantum computing was selected by Optical Society of American as one of “Optics in 2016”, “Optics in 2017”, and “Optics in 2019”. He has been awarded as Fellow of Churchill College (2011), Hong Kong Qiu Shi Outstanding Young Scholars (2014), National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2015), First-Class National Natural Science Prize (2015), Nature’s top ten “science star of China” (2016), OSA Fellow (2017), Fresnel Prize from the European Physical Society (2017), China’s Wusi Medal (2017), AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize (2018), Chinese Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Prize (2018), Chinese Physical Society Huangkun Prize in Semiconductor Physics (2019), Nishina Asian Award (2019), Xplorer Prize (2019), IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics (2019), and OSA Adolph Lomb Medal (2020).
He served as an editorial board member in international journals such as Quantum Science and Technology (IOP), PhotoniX (Springer Nature & SPIE), Advanced Quantum Technology (Wiley), Scientific Reports (NPG), Science Bulletin (CAS), iScience (Cell Press), and served as the General Secretary for the Micius Science & Technology Foundation. He is the Chair of Quantum 2020, co-Chair of Sino-Germany Solid-State Quantum Information Symposium (2013), Multi-photon interferometry workshop (2015), CIOP (2019), AOPC (2019), and International Advisory/program Committee members of Q’Crypto (2019), SPIE-OP19, FiO (2019), ICPS (2020), CLEO PR (2018), MBE (2019), PLMCN (2019).
Related Publications
- High-efficiency single-photon source above the loss-tolerant threshold for efficient linear optical quantum computing. Nature Photonics (2025). doi:10.1038/s41566-025-01639-8
- Establishing a New Benchmark in Quantum Computational Advantage with 105-qubit Zuchongzhi 3.0 Processor. Physical Review Letters 134, 90601 (2024).
- Experimental quantum computational chemistry with optimized unitary coupled cluster ansatz. Nature Physics 20, 1240-1246 (2024).
- PHYSICAL REVIEW A 109 , 062614 ( 2024 ) Experimental demonstration of a Maxwell s demon quantum battery in a superconducting noisy intermediate-scale quantum processor. Physical Review A 062614, 1-26 (2024).
- Realization of fractional quantum Hall state with interacting photons. Science 584, 2-6 (2024).
- Single-Photon Interference over 8.4 km Urban Atmosphere: Toward Testing Quantum Effects in Curved Spacetime with Photons. Physical Review Letters 133, 1-22 (2024).
- Single-Photon Interference over 8.4 km Urban Atmosphere: Toward Testing Quantum Effects in Curved Spacetime with Photons. 133, (2024).
- Generation of genuine entanglement up to 51 superconducting qubits. Nature (2023). doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06195-1
- Solving Graph Problems Using Gaussian Boson Sampling. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (2023). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.190601
- Berry Curvature and Bulk-Boundary Correspondence from Transport Measurement for Photonic Chern Bands. Physical Review Letters 131, 1-7 (2023).