Ultracold atoms provide the best frequency references for clocks and are used as test masses in gravimeters. They are also a flexible platform to design well-controlled quantum many-body systems. Our group is exploiting the unique properties of strontium to advance these two research lines.
In the first part of this talk I will describe our attempt to create a continuous atom laser. Such a device would allow the steady-state operation of atomic clocks and gravimeters, thereby elimination a fundamental noise source present in pulsed measurement devices. As an intermediate step to our goal we have created a steady-state sample of ultracold atoms with unity phase-space density.
In the second part I will discuss our effort to create a quantum gas of RbSr ground-state molecules. These molecules have a large electric dipole moment and an unpaired electron, which gives us new interaction control possibilities and is interesting for many-body system design. In order to associate ultracold Rb and Sr atoms into RbSr molecules we intend to use unusual magnetic Feshbach resonances, which we recently discovered in this system.
Prof.Florian Schreck
2018-09-25 (Tue) 14:00