Marlan Scully and Dawei Wang
Texas A&M and Baylor Universities
2016-10-19 (Wed) 10:00
The emission and re-absorption of virtual photons has many surprising features. For example, single photon Dicke superradiance [1] can be destroyed by the many-atom Lamb shift [2, 3]. Subradiance [4] is even more sensitive to virtual photon effect but the problems can be controlled [5]. In much the same way, the beautiful theory and experiment of Zhu [6] and Pan [7] show how virtual emission and absorption can lead to the cancellation of spontaneous emission.
[1] Scully et al., PRL 96, 010501 (2006)
[2] Scully PRL 102, 143601 (2009)
[3] Scully and Svidzinsky, Science 328, 1239 (2010)
[4] Scully PRL 115, 243602 (2015)
[5] Cai et al., PRA 93, 053804 (2016)
[6] Zhu and Scully, PRL 76, 388 (1996)
[7] He et al., PRL 114, 097402 (2015)