Precision spin control for quantum sensing and simulations

Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup
2023-11-08 (Wed) 16:00

Spin defects in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contenders in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like the NV center in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communication, and quantum computing. Single NV electron spin qubits, e.g., have matured into a new tool for material science [1]. Multiple interacting spins in a spin network enable quantum algorithms for signal analysis, for example via a quantum Fourier transformation of AC signals [2]. In the talk I will highlight the use of new multiqubit spin systems like spin defects in silicon carbide [3], to apply quantum algorithms to quantum sensing and simulation of a quantum thermodynamic processes. I will also show the use of quantum non-linear spectroscopy for enhanced quantum sensing [4].
[1] Q.H. Wang ACS Nano (2021) 16, 6960 (2021)
T. Son et al. Science 374, 1140 (2021)
[2] V. Vorobyov et al. njp Quantum Information 7, 124 (2021)
[3] C. Babin et al. Nature Mat. 21, 67 (2022)
[4] J. Meinel et al. Nat. Comm. 13, 5318 (2022)

Professor Jörg Wrachtrup is director of the 3rd Institute of Physics and the Centre for Applied Quantum Technology at Stuttgart University. He is an appointed Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. He has made several pioneering contributions in solid state physics, including carried out the first electron spin resonance experiments on single electron spins, developed coherent control techniques of electron spins and nuclear spins in solid, and demonstrated nanoscale quantum sensing of magnetic field using single NV center in diamond. He received numerous awards for his work, including the Leibniz Prize of the German Science Foundation, the Max Planck award of the Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Society, the Zeiss Research Award, the Gold Medal of the International Society for Electron Spin Resonance, the Heinrich Hertz Award of the German Physical Society.