Experimental raw data of "Quantum computational advantage using photons"


The attached file "data.bin" includes ~50 million experimental samples.
"readme.docx" contains a description of the structure of "data.bin".
"matrix re.xlsx" and "matrix im.xlsx" is the real part and imaginary part of the reconstructed matrix of the 100-mode interferometer, respectively. Note the the phases of input sources and system efficiencies have been considered in the matrix.

Update 1:
"squeezing parameters.txt" includes squeezing parameters of each source.

The rows of the matrix are arranged according to {1H, 1V, 2H, 2V, ..., 25H, 25V}. It needs to be rearranged to {1H, 2H, ..., 25H, 1V, 2V, ..., 25V} when calculating the output probability.
