- Implementation of quantum key distribution surpassing the linear rate-transmittance bound. Nature Photonics 14, 422-425 (2020).
- InGaAs/InP single-photon detectors with 60\% detection efficiency at 1550 nm. Review of Scientific Instruments 91, (2020).
- Multiphoton Graph States from a Solid-State Single-Photon Source. ACS Photonics 7, 1603-1610 (2020).
- Neural-network quantum state tomography in a two-qubit experiment. Physical Review A 102, 1-7 (2020).
- Optimizing up-conversion single-photon detectors for quantum key distribution. Optics Express 28, 25123-25133 (2020).
- Phase-Matching Quantum Cryptographic Conferencing. Physical Review Applied 14, 1 (2020).
- Photonic realization of quantum resetting. Optica 7, (2020).
- Proof-of-principle demonstration of compiled Shor s algorithm using a quantum dot single-photon source. Optics Express 28, 18917 (2020).
- Sending-or-Not-Sending with Independent Lasers: Secure Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution over 509 km. Physical Review Letters 124, 70501 (2020).
- Sensitive linear optical sampling system with femtosecond precision. Review of Scientific Instruments 91, (2020).
- Single-photon computational 3D imaging at 45 km. Photonics Research 8, 1532 (2020).
- Super-resolution single-photon imaging at 8.2 kilometers. Optics express 28, 4076-4087 (2020).
- Thermometry in a multipole Ion trap. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10, 1-17 (2020).
- Towards satellite-based quantum-secure time transfer. Nature Physics 16, 848-852 (2020).
- Experimental nonlocal measurement of a product observable. Optica 6, 1199 (2019).
- Satellite testing of a gravitationally induced quantum decoherence model. Science 366, 132 (2019).
- Semideterministic Entanglement between a Single Photon and an Atomic Ensemble. Physical Review Letters 123, 140504 (2019).
- General-Purpose Quantum Circuit Simulator with Projected Entangled-Pair States and the Quantum Supremacy Frontier. Physical Review Letters 123, 190501 (2019).
- Strongly correlated quantum walks with a 12-qubit superconducting processor. Science 364, 753 (2019).
- Ultra-low noise magnetic field for quantum gases. Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 054708 (2019).