

2004年在中国科学技术大学近代物理系获得学士学位,2010年在德国海德堡大学物理与天文系获得博士学位,2013年任中国科学技术大学教授。研究方向包括冷原子量子存储、量子中继与量子互联网、以及基于里德堡原子的量子信息处理。近年来的主要学术成果包括:实现经由50公里光纤传输的存储器间纠缠;实现三个原子系综间的量子纠缠;实现百毫秒高效率量子存储器;利用里德堡阻塞效应制备多个激发态并观测到HOM干涉效应,进而产生半确定性光与原子纠缠;在系综量子存储器内实现单量子水平自旋回波等。已在包括Nature (1篇)、Nature Physics (2篇)、Nature Photonics (5篇)、PNAS (1篇)、Physics Reports (1篇)、Phys. Rev. Lett. (12篇)等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文30多篇。已承担或正在承担包括国家重点研发计划在内多个科研项目。曾获得中国科大杰出研究校长奖、海外校友基金会“青年教师事业奖”等荣誉。指导过的学生有多人次获得中国科学技术大学优秀博士论文、中国科学院优秀博士论文、中国科学院院长特别奖等荣誉。


  • Yang, S. -J., Wang, X. -J., Li, J., Rui, J., Bao, X. -H. & Pan, J. -W. Highly Retrievable Spin-Wave–Photon Entanglement Source. Physical Review Letters 114, 210501 (2015).
  • Yang, S. -J., Bao, X. -H. & Pan, J. -W. Modulation of single-photon-level wave packets with two-component electromagnetically induced transparency. Physical Review A 91, 053805 (2015).
  • Zhao, T. -M., Zhang, H., Yang, J., Sang, Z. -R., Jiang, X., Bao, X. -H. & Pan, J. -W. Entangling Different-Color Photons via Time-Resolved Measurement and Active Feed Forward. Physical Review Letters 112, 103602 (2014).
  • Xu, X. -F., Bao, X. -H. & Pan, J. -W. Demonstration of active feedforward one-way quantum computing with photon-matter hyperentanglement. Physical Review A 86, 050304 (2012).
  • Dai, H. -N., Zhang, H., Yang, S. -J., Zhao, T. -M., Rui, J., Deng, Y., Li, L., Liu, N. -L., Chen, S., Bao, X. -H., Jin, X. -M., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W. Holographic Storage of Biphoton Entanglement. Physical Review Letters 108, 210501 (2012).
  • Bao, X. -H., Reingruber, A., Dietrich, P., Rui, J., Dueck, A., Strassel, T., Li, L., Liu, N. -L., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W. Efficient and long-lived quantum memory with cold atoms inside a ring cavity. Nature Physics 8, 517-521 (2012).
  • Yao, X. -C., Wang, T. -X., Xu, P., Lu, H., Pan, G. -S., Bao, X. -H., Peng, C. -Z., Lu, C. -Y., Chen, Y. -A. & Pan, J. -W. Observation of eight-photon entanglement. Nature Photonics 6, 225-228 (2012).
  • Bao, X. -H., Xu, X. -F., Li, C. -M., Yuan, Z. -S., Lu, C. -Y. & Pan, J. -W. Quantum teleportation between remote atomic-ensemble quantum memories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 20347-20351 (2012).
  • Yang, J., Zhao, T. -M., Zhang, H., Yang, T., Bao, X. -H. & Pan, J. -W. Realization of double resonance for a bright frequency-tunable source of narrowband entangled photons. Chinese Physics B 20, 024202 (2011).
  • Zhang, H., Jin, X. -M., Yang, J., Dai, H. -N., Yang, S. -J., Zhao, T. -M., Rui, J., He, Y., Jiang, X., Yang, F., Pan, G. -S., Yuan, Z. -S., Deng, Y., Chen, Z. -B., Bao, X. -H., Chen, S., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W. Preparation and storage of frequency-uncorrelated entangled photons from cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric downconversion. Nature Photonics 5, 628 (2011).