霍永恒,中国科学技术大学教授,先后入选国家青年特聘专家、上海市特聘专家等。2006.07于天津大学获学士学位,2011.01于中科院半导体所获博士学位。2011.02-2015.03在德国莱布尼茨固态和材料研究所(IFW Dresden)工作,先后任博士后(IFW Scholarship)和分子束外延实验室负责人(Scientist)。2015.04-2016.06在奥地利林茨大学任高级研究员(Senior Researcher),负责搭建III/V分子束外延系统。2016.07到中国科学技术大学工作。多年专注于量子信息材料、器件及相关物理问题的研究。首次实现了基态为轻空穴的半导体量子点,可直接发射纠缠光子对的(001)GaAs量子点,以及用于可调谐电泵浦高速单光子源和纠缠光子源的量子光源材料。基于其制备的量子点样品还目前保持着最高的纠缠保真度记录,以及单光子源和纠缠光子源综合性能最优的记录已在Science,Nature Physics,Nature Photonics,Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications, Nano Letters,PRB,APL等发表论文30多篇,承担国家和省市项目多项。
- High-efficiency single-photon source above the loss-tolerant threshold for efficient linear optical quantum computing. Nature Photonics (2025). doi:10.1038/s41566-025-01639-8
- Experimental Generation of Spin-Photon Entanglement in Silicon Carbide. Physical Review Letters 132, 160801 (2024).
- Establishing a New Benchmark in Quantum Computational Advantage with 105-qubit Zuchongzhi 3.0 Processor. Physical Review Letters 134, 90601 (2024).
- PHYSICAL REVIEW A 109 , 062614 ( 2024 ) Experimental demonstration of a Maxwell s demon quantum battery in a superconducting noisy intermediate-scale quantum processor. Physical Review A 062614, 1-26 (2024).
- Realization of fractional quantum Hall state with interacting photons. Science 584, 2-6 (2024).
- Ultrahigh-reflective optical thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering with RF-induced substrate bias. Review of Scientific Instruments (2024). doi:10.1063/5.0169714
- Generation of genuine entanglement up to 51 superconducting qubits. Nature (2023). doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06195-1
- Eliminating temporal correlation in quantum-dot entangled photon source by quantum interference. Science Bulletin 68, 807-812 (2023).
- Heralded Three-Photon Entanglement from a Single-Photon Source on a Photonic Chip. Physical Review Letters 1-5 (2023).
- Quantum neuronal sensing of quantum many-body states on a 61-qubit programmable superconducting processor. Science Bulletin 68, 906-912 (2023).