- Nonlinear frequency conversions via weak surface polaritonic wave breaking in a hybrid plasmonic waveguide. Optics Letters 45, 5432 (2020).
- Observation of Intensity Squeezing in Resonance Fluorescence from a Solid-State Device. Physical Review Letters 125, 153601 (2020).
- Pseudo-time-reversal-symmetry-protected topological Bogoliubov excitations of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. Physical Review A 102, 43323 (2020).
- Enhancing sensitivity of lateral flow assay with application to SARS-CoV-2. Applied Physics Letters 117, 120601 (2020).
- Integrated Multichannel Lithium Niobate Waveguides for Quantum Frequency Conversion. Physical Review Applied 14, 034035 (2020).
- Worm-algorithm-type simulation of the quantum transverse-field Ising model. Physical Review B 102, 094101 (2020).
- Complete graph and Gaussian fixed-point asymptotics in the five-dimensional Fortuin-Kasteleyn Ising model with periodic boundaries. Physical Review E 102, 022125 (2020).
- High-Speed Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Integrated Silicon Photonics. Physical Review X 10, 031030 (2020).
- qkdSim, a Simulation Toolkit for Quantum Key Distribution Including Imperfections: Performance Analysis and Demonstration of the B92 Protocol Using Heralded Photons. Physical Review Applied 14, 024036 (2020).
- Cooling and entangling ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Science 369, 550-553 (2020).
- Experimental creation of single Rydberg excitations via adiabatic passage. Physical Review A 102, 013706 (2020).
- Quasi-fine-grained uncertainty relations. New Journal of Physics 22, 073063 (2020).
- Entanglement-based secure quantum cryptography over 1,120 kilometres. Nature 582, 501-505 (2020).
- Two-Scale Scenario of Rigidity Percolation of Sticky Particles. Physical Review Letters 124, 255501 (2020).
- Interferometrically estimating a quadratic form for any immanant of a matrix and its permutations. Physical Review A 101, 1-9 (2020).
- Secure quantum key distribution with realistic devices. Reviews of Modern Physics 92, 025002 (2020).
- Long-distance transmission of quantum key distribution coexisting with classical optical communication over weakly-coupled few-modefiber. Optics Express 28, (2020).
- Integrated electronics in 130 nm CMOS process for quantum key distribution sender device. Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 034701 (2020).
- Verifying Random Quantum Circuits with Arbitrary Geometry Using Tensor Network States Algorithm. Physical Review Letters 126, 70502 (2020).
- Entanglement of two quantum memories via fibres over dozens of kilometres. Nature 578, 240-245 (2020).