Quantum Theory Group - Barry Sanders

Principal investigator

Our research is focused on using the rich theory of Quantum Mechanics to advance the knowledge of physical phenomena, protocols and their implementation. Current areas of research include machine learning to control nonlinear quantum systems, classical and quantum algorithms for simulation, wavelet theory, collective Rydberg blockade and its application to many body Physics, scalable quantum networks, quantum walks, topological orders, quantum annealing, measures of coherence, quantum channels and their decomposition, quantum cryptography and classical discord.

Related Publications

  • Adcock, M., H\oyer, P. & Sanders, B. Quantum computation with coherent spin states and the close Hadamard problem. Quantum Information Processing 15, 1361-1386 (2016).
  • Ghosh, J. & Sanders, B. Quantum simulation of macro and micro quantum phase transition from paramagnetism to frustrated magnetism with a superconducting circuit. New Journal of Physics 18, 033015 (2016).
  • Zhan, X., Zhang, X., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Sanders, B. & Xue, P. Realization of the Contextuality-Nonlocality Tradeoff with a Qubit-Qutrit Photon Pair. Physical Review Letters 116, 090401 (2016).
  • Hayden, P., Nezami, S., Salton, G. & Sanders, B. Spacetime replication of continuous variable quantum information. New Journal of Physics 18, (2016).
  • Bae, E., Gour, G., Lee, S., Park, J. & Sanders, B. Stability theorem of depolarizing channels for the minimal output quantum R\ enyi entropies. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49, 115304 (2016).
  • Dhand, I., Sanders, B. & de Guise, H. Algorithms for SU( n ) boson realizations and D-functions. Journal of Mathematical Physics 56, 111705 (2015).
  • Sanders, Y., Wallman, J. & Sanders, B. Bounding quantum gate error rate based on reported average fidelity. New Journal of Physics 18, 012002 (2015).
  • Xue, P., Zhang, R., Qin, H., Zhan, X., Bian, Z., Li, J. & Sanders, B. Experimental Quantum-Walk Revival with a Time-Dependent Coin. Physical Review Letters 114, 140502 (2015).
  • Tillmann, M., Tan, S., Stoeckl, S., Sanders, B., de Guise, H., Heilmann, R. \, Nolte, S., Szameit, A. & Walther, P. Generalized multiphoton quantum interference. Physical Review X 5, 1-23 (2015).
  • Zahedinejad, E., Ghosh, J. & Sanders, B. High-Fidelity Single-Shot Toffoli Gate via Quantum Control. Physical Review Letters 114, 200502 (2015).